As a child, according to my mother, after the ever classic, "MaMa" or "PaPa" or "DoDo" said by every other ugly baby child as they learn the English language, was my favorite word:
Appropriate? I was fiesty even at age 1 or 2 or whenever you start speaking.
With that... I'm introducing myself to this new world of blogging. I was sick of how Facebook was just not the right place for me to post what I was thinking or asking myself or my friends or even my acquaintances or people I wanted to meet.
Question: How could I say what I wanted to say, without the Facebook world of...
(let's just admit it)... DELUSION?
Answer: This BLOG!
(let's just admit it)... DELUSION?
Answer: This BLOG!
Welcome! Hello.
Question: What do I have to offer?
Answer: This pledge to you:
I hereby promise to always be honest with you (whoever is reading). I will never give you bullshit. And I will never placate you, like someone who does not have a spine. I will always endeavor to give you the entire story/thought. And if you don't like it, do you think I give a damn?Answer: This pledge to you:
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