called "The Most Famous Actress the World has Ever Known"
That's right. The MOST FAMOUS.
How do you even fathom that? The "Most Famous".
And yet, do most actresses who are "stars" today even know who Ms. Bernhardt was?
That's right. The MOST FAMOUS.
How do you even fathom that? The "Most Famous".
And yet, do most actresses who are "stars" today even know who Ms. Bernhardt was?

Only she could make that costume look so freakin' sexy.
She was Vogue-ing before Madge put her pointy busom stamp on it.

Does relaxation look this good?
Did fainting have this much drama?
I don't think so!!!!!!!!!!
This wench gave to theatre something that I can't even fathom. (And I have a big imagination.)
A girl can have dreams though, right?
AND... This Fiesty Bitch wrote a book.
Say What?
Give it a read. Tell me what you think.
Question: What do I find inspiring about her particularly?
Question: Why does she get a post?
Answer: I found an interesting gossip fact about her.
Alexandre Dumas, fils (author of La Dame aux camelias, a part she played very often) claimed Sarah to be a "notorious liar".
side fact: J. Edgar Hoover claimed that Martin Luther King, Jr. was also a "notorious liar".
Don't believe me? Look it up. (Yea... there's no link. 'Cuz you should just look it up on your own. Lazy!)
side fact: J. Edgar Hoover claimed that Martin Luther King, Jr. was also a "notorious liar".
Don't believe me? Look it up. (Yea... there's no link. 'Cuz you should just look it up on your own. Lazy!)
But... that statement about Ms. Bernhardt made me think.
Are we all "notorious liars" when it comes to art?
to story telling? to acting?
You tell me.
Um, is it bad that I sometimes get her confused with Sandra Bernhard? Just asking...