HOLY JEBUS! We're coming to take over your great WHITE WAY!
O yes... Denzel is coming to Broadway.
I should be ecstatic. Jumping for joy and all that sorts of happy shit, right?
Question: Why am I not?
Answer: I don't know!!! And it's making me fucking mad.
Question: Why am I mad about this?
Answer: 2 reasons:
1. Because I'm black, and I should be more supportive of my Brotha (aka Denzel) gettin' a job. Self hate? Hmmm.... (Doubtful.)Answer: I don't know!!! And it's making me fucking mad.
Question: Why am I mad about this?
Answer: 2 reasons:
2. Because I love August Wilson. I love his plays like I love Red Velvet Cake.
They are delicious. (And yes, red food coloring in chocolate food does make it taste different and AWESOME!) And since Mr. Wilson is also chocolate, (yes, I said that...) I should also be proud that a Black playwright is having his day on Broadway.
Mind you: I was so happy when "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof" by Tennesee Williams was made into an all African American production. I even saw it (for CHEAP) with my girlfriends who were also ECSTATIC to see it... at the time. Some of us liked it and some of us didn't like parts of it. But here we are... what? 2 years later? And this new Denzel casting makes me feel indifferent. Perhaps the production itself will be fantastic, but fuck the future! All I have is now. (Do I sound like a Rent song?)
With this whole new surge of film "stars" coming to Broadway, I find myself thinking:
You're gonna put all these highly paid people on a stage and make an audience of mostly average to Poor (capitalized because it's a new race in this recession. Blacks. Whites. Indonesians. Poor...) people pay high prices to go see them? And why? Because they're "STARS"??? Well... kiss my Poor ass. But SAY What?!
***A good friend of mine reminded me that Denzel has his roots in theatre and that he has a degree, and that for Black people to be on Broadway, on a stage, instead of sweeping it, was a good thing. And for that, Thank you, love! You are right and I should stop bitchin' and moanin'.
I admit: I do not hate on the Brotha. I am proud of him, and his Oscar. Go you! (Though I still think he deserved it for Malcolm X or even Philadelphia...) But I do hate on the fact that that Brotha is gonna have that theatre make me pay $120 to see a piece of my heritage.
Look, I know it's a recession. And Broadway doesn't care. The producers don't care. But I can still be incensed. It's my right.
Thoughts? Musings? Statements? Questions?
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