Thursday, December 17

Procreation? HA!

For those who read this, who do NOT know me personally, or interact with me on a daily basis,

I do NOT like children.

Let me repeat myself, in case you can't read the regular print:

I. do. NOT. like. children.

NOPE! I do not.
Maybe it is something I will evolve past when my ovaries begin to tingle when I'm 35 or younger, or older, who knows...(It can happen!) and want to spawn something from mixing my DNA with someone with super awesome DNA. (Or second most awesome DNA. Or third still awesome DNA.... I digress...)

Or maybe go do the LITTLE international village thing?

But let me tell you right now.

I really REALLY HATE when people
bring their WHINING, CRYING babies on the train.


Did you have sex to have THAT?!

That FOG HORN of a monster is now invading my "Boob Mix" on my IPOD.
LBoogs, thanks for that mix. But the child across from me is messin' with my flow.

I know that they can't express themselves with the full lexicon of the English language, but can you at least put a muzzle on those things?

What are you doing that they are HOLLERING like that?

Give her the CANDY CANE.

Give him your Cell phone.

What? They'll hurt themselves?

NO, you fool! There's a higher probability that they're probably hurt YOU than themselves. They're resilient. They're babies.

Aren't they supposed to bounce?

I'm not advocating to BOUNCE A BABY. AHHH!!!
I'm just saying... they're more likely to bounce back from an M&M in the nose, than a 26 yr old woman whose ears are bleeding from the high pitch of your babies' yell.

O the Agony!

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