that wonderous bald man that all actors covet?
Don't know?
HA! You should be ashamed of yourself.

HATTIE MCDANIEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
O yes, I finally did a Fiesty Black Actress.
I bet you were all wondering...
"Why is Fiesty Actress, who is Black, not doing any Black actresses?"
"Hmmm... SELF HATE!!!" tisk tisk tisk.
"Hmmm... SELF HATE!!!" tisk tisk tisk.
And you know what?
There is no reason.
There is no reason.
But lemme tell you something: (shhh! don't tell everyone)
This profession that I'm in is NOT known for having many minorities.
It is a WHITE WHITE world, my friends.
Don't tell those of a "lighter hue". They don't know. Shhhh!
Hattie McDaniel, on being in Hollywood: "I'd rather play a maid than be one."
If you haven't seen this movie, and are Black:
you should be ashamed of yourself.
If you haven't seen this movie, and are any other race,
(White, Hispanic, Indian, Filipino, Chinese, Martian, etc.):
you should ALL be ashamed of yourself too.
you should be ashamed of yourself.
If you haven't seen this movie, and are any other race,
(White, Hispanic, Indian, Filipino, Chinese, Martian, etc.):
you should ALL be ashamed of yourself too.
It is a classic. And by golly, it's fantastic.
Personally... it makes me get angry and cry and laugh and all the things a great movie should make you do.
And that's all I have to say about "Gone With The Wind".
Read the book.
See the movie.
Do one or do both. Either way... your life will be changed.
And after you watch it, and know the American History of Slaves in this country... watch this woman's performance, and tell me that it's not brilliant.

And she got a star.
This is something every actor, including myself hopes for,
but I know I can't imagine it.
It would be too weird, and fantastical for words.
I am proud knowing that this woman is on that Hollywood Walk of Fame.but I know I can't imagine it.
It would be too weird, and fantastical for words.
She deserves it more than some of those other motherfuckers,
and you know who I'm talking about. I mean... REALLY!?!?! GIMME A BREAK!
on a related note: http://blogtwo-point-oh.blogspot.com/2009/11/black-man-has-no-name-black-man-has-no.html