Look at that Black family.
O wait a minute!
Look at that Black family again.
There's some serious female strength emanating from the central figure with the beads....

Wiki her, fools.
She's a powerhouse of Black woman-ness, and needs to be recognized.
That black family photo comes from
a Spike Lee joint:
O MY GOD! I love that movie.
Mostly because there's the funniest quote in it:
"Shut up, you evil, flat-chested wench."
Bitch also got an Emmy for her work on
the TV show: The Practice.
Did you watch it?
I know I didn't. But my parents loved that show, damn it!
And I gotta give them props for picking a show with some talented people, especially this bitch.
I also like her because she's around my mom's age,
and she's always showin' off her 2 best assets.

I want that WIG.
OMG! If you have the backbone to laugh yourself silly and get a few naps during the day, please please please see:
It was a TV series for NBC.
But aside from that, Alfre played a great character:
Queen of Brobdingnag.
The name of the character should say it all.
I mean... how many Black actresses get to wear Victorian costume and wigs and pull it off like we were meant to be royalty in that time?

What does Ms. Woodard have in common with my Week 1 Feisty Black actress??
He was in MISS EVERS' BOYS with Alfre.
Check this movie out.
I can't even tell how this movie/play makes me feel.
Check it out and then you'll find out why.
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