I cannot get enough of this woman.

Seriously... wiki this wench.
This woman has a lot of things that I want.
Though... believe me, it's not John Krasinski.
(He's really dopey looking. But she seems to like him.)
She was the only person who made this movie worth watching.
And believe me, that's saying a lot, because this movie made me FALL ASLEEP 4 times, and it's not even that long.
Sir Anthony couldn't save this movie with his British accent even if he had tried. Which... I don't think he did. Try that is.
But you should see the movie for her mini little appearance. She has a way of being strong in a period piece that is quite extraordinary. She's not a victim, and yet she was enticing prey to a totally miscast BENICIO DEL TORO. Who I love...
But not in that film.
Must I tell you how much I am in love with the UK Royal families and their lives?
Must I remind you how much I love the people who play their matriarchs?

My friend, J9 and I, watched the movie, THE YOUNG VICTORIA, for the first time about a month ago, and all we did was stop and start the movie so we could wiki this shit.
Though THIS WENCH is definitely prettier than the actual QUEEN, she holds her own, and makes the movie a delight to watch.
Please Please Please tell me that you watched THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA to get your MERYL fix... or to prolong your love of STANLEY TUCCI... or to even get some eye candy out of SIMON, ADRIAN or DANIEL...
OR to see EMILY BLUNT's brilliant performance.
But not my nemesis.
If you don't know... I have words for her. But yeah...
Best b*tchy assistant ever!
I know she didn't write her lines, but she says them perfectly.

And she's also worked with another nemesis of mine in a movie that is actually quite entertaining...
Have you seen the movie: SUNSHINE CLEANING??
Her character is the only one I care about.
You should see it.
Why haven't you?
But as I list her movies, I realize that the reasons why I like her...
1. She's my age.
2. She's extremely talented.
That's it.
Those two things are extremely rare.
I find that I'm more inclined to be harsh on young actresses, because most of the time they're "famous" because they're skinny.... because they're hot... because they screwed someone... because they sold their souls...

And believe me, that's saying a lot, because this movie made me FALL ASLEEP 4 times, and it's not even that long.
Sir Anthony couldn't save this movie with his British accent even if he had tried. Which... I don't think he did. Try that is.
But you should see the movie for her mini little appearance. She has a way of being strong in a period piece that is quite extraordinary. She's not a victim, and yet she was enticing prey to a totally miscast BENICIO DEL TORO. Who I love...
But not in that film.
Must I tell you how much I am in love with the UK Royal families and their lives?

My friend, J9 and I, watched the movie, THE YOUNG VICTORIA, for the first time about a month ago, and all we did was stop and start the movie so we could wiki this shit.
Though THIS WENCH is definitely prettier than the actual QUEEN, she holds her own, and makes the movie a delight to watch.

OR to see EMILY BLUNT's brilliant performance.
But not my nemesis.
If you don't know... I have words for her. But yeah...
Best b*tchy assistant ever!
I know she didn't write her lines, but she says them perfectly.

And she's also worked with another nemesis of mine in a movie that is actually quite entertaining...
Have you seen the movie: SUNSHINE CLEANING??
Her character is the only one I care about.
You should see it.
Why haven't you?
But as I list her movies, I realize that the reasons why I like her...
1. She's my age.
2. She's extremely talented.
That's it.
Those two things are extremely rare.
I find that I'm more inclined to be harsh on young actresses, because most of the time they're "famous" because they're skinny.... because they're hot... because they screwed someone... because they sold their souls...
but have nothing else to back it up.
This FEISTY HO backs it all up. All of it.
Don't believe me?
Don't believe me?